News Archive

25. Feb. 2001   New kAWT Version 0.9903 available. Changes: Choices and Checkboxes included in Laf mechanism / Palm native image support added in Toolkit.createImage (byte []) / Prism Image loading problem fixed / Replaced MIDP Launcher class by a nicer mechanism / some minor bugs like removal of not contained Components and the GridLayout gap fixed.
6. Feb. 2001   Paul Szymanski built a nice instructions page for using kAWT 0.99 with IBM/OTI VAME J9 1.3.
3. Jan. 2001   We have created a mailing list for kawt. Please subscribe by sending an email to with the word "subscribe" in the subject line.
29. Dec. 2000   Instructions for compiling and using the Generic Connection Framework under J2SE added to the documentation section.
17. Dec. 2000   We had a short meeting with some people of esmertec. Some results:
10. Dec. 2000   ColorKVM Build 9 available
  • 16 bit color support for Visor Prism
  • 4800 baud support
  • ColorDemo improved to show 16 bit colordepth on Visor Prism
  • kAWT installation and compilation instructions added to the Documentation section
05. Dec. 2000   PenDemo application added to samples.
27. Nov. 2000   ColorKVM build 8 released including minor bugfixes.
12. Nov. 2000   kAWT 0.99 RIM test version available
14. Oct. 2000   kAWT 0.98 released (including new ColorKVM versions with and without romized kAWT).
  • Color/background/compatibility problems fixed in the ColorKVM.
  • keyListener problems fixed.
  • Graphics simplified and accelerated.
9. Oct. 2000   We divided kAWT into a platform dependent and a platform independent part for simplified porting. The first result will be a RIM port (see preview image). The port itself was performed quickly, but the new focus/thumbwheel support is not completely implemented yet.
2. Oct. 2000   Minor Samples and MIDP update
28. Sep. 2000   kAWT version 0.96 released including the folowing fixes:
  • Added missing class java.util.EventObject to kawt.pdb
  • Re-fixed a bug in and
27. Sep. 2000   Updated the 'Samples and Screenshots' section. KawtDemo and ColorDemo applications added.
27. Sep. 2000   kAWT version 0.951 released including the folowing fixes:
  • Updated kAWT API documentation. Missing file java.util.EventObject added.
23. Sep. 2000   kAWT version 0.95 released including the folowing fixes:
  • support for IBM Visual Age Microedition v1.2 added.
  • Bug in Container.removeAll fixed.
  • java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener added for improved J2SE compatibility.
  • java.util.EventObject added for improved J2SE compatibility.
  • java.awt.Choice: Several problems related to remove/add fixed.
  • java.awt.List and Choice method 'add(String item, int index)' added.
25. Aug. 2000   kAWT - first anniversary !
We just finished the first experimental version of kAWT for MIDP. Please find all files necessary to run the KawtSample on SUN's MIDP emulator in our download section. The FAQ & Instructions section shows a comand line to run it using Win32. Unfortunately, this experimental MIDP version of kAWT does not run with the MIDP emulator from Motorola.
23. Sep. 2000   kAWT version 0.95 released including the folowing fixes:
  • support for IBM Visual Age Microedition v1.2 added.
  • Bug in Container.removeAll fixed.
  • java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener added for improved J2SE compatibility.
  • java.util.EventObject added for improved J2SE compatibility.
  • java.awt.Choice: Several problems related to remove/add fixed.
  • java.awt.List and Choice method 'add(String item, int index)' added.
25. Aug. 2000   kAWT - first anniversary !
We just finished the first experimental version of kAWT for MIDP. Please find all files necessary to run the KawtSample on SUN's MIDP emulator in our download section. The FAQ & Instructions section shows a comand line to run it using Win32. Unfortunately, this experimental MIDP version of kAWT does not run with the MIDP emulator from Motorola.
23. Aug. 2000   Added information about creating applications using the ImageItem class to display GIF-images with kAWT to the FAQ.
22. Aug. 2000   kAWT version 0.90 released including the folowing fixes:
  • TextField: Fixed a bug in processEvent()
  • TabbedPane: Fixed a bug regarding to removeTab() and addTab()
  • SpotletWrapper: Changed to Wrapper
  • de.kawt: added class ImageItem to handle Images in Panels
  • ByteArrayDumper: Added a tool for convering GIFs to Bytearrays for the use with ImageItem (see download section)
  • Gifloader: Some bugfixes to inrease compatibility
  • ColorKVM: The ColorKVM (Build 6, multi PDB) with ROMized kAWT v0.90 is available for download. This KVM supports up to eight additional class databases now.
16. Aug. 2000   Wearix Software GmbH licenses kAWT for commercial use.
06. Aug. 2000   PDF-Document for commercial licensing added to the License section.
24. Jul. 2000   kAWT version 0.81 released including the folowing fixes:
  • TextField: changed processEvent() for AWT compatibility (no errors compiling kAWT using JDK1.3 anymore)
  • GridLayout: fixed an error with vGap.
  • SpotletWrapper: fixed a bug regarding MenuBar and Dialog
  • Added throw IOException clauses to many methods for J2SE compatibility
  • and Added Documentation to these packages.
  • ColorKVM: The ColorKVM (Build 6) with ROMized kAWT v0.81 is available for download.
18. Jul. 2000   kAWT version 0.80 released including the folowing fixes:
  • TextField: fixed the bug with setText()
  • TextField: added support for accented characters.
  • TextField: added setEchoChar() getEchoChar() and echoCharIsSet() to support hidden passwords (feature added to KawtSample).
  • List: fixed the bug with remove()
  • List: fixed getSelectedItem() and getSelectedIndex()
  • Checkbox: added toString()
04. Jul. 2000   esmertec ag licenses kAWT for commercial use.
01. Jul. 2000   TimeTrak Systems Inc. licenses kAWT for commercial use.
29. Jun. 2000   kAWT version 0.70 released including the folowing fixes:
  • Fixed the MouseEvent constructor
  • Improved Frame repaint after changing the title
  • Fixed bug in TabbedPane.removeTab ()
  • added some IOExceptions throw clauses to and
  • Choice bug fixed
  • Changed the color behaviour of Button, Choice and List to be more Palm specific running on ColorKVM
23. Jul. 2000   Handheld Express is available on for use with JBuilder3.5. Handheld Express is a poweful tool that is able to create Palm prc-files for J2ME CLDC applications directly from the JBuilder IDE. With Handheld Express, it is no longer necessary to write complicated makefiles. Compilation, preverification and the palm.database.MakePalmApp call are performed automatically by a Wizard. Just select 'Deploy to PalmOS...' from the JBuilder Wizard menu. Currently, we are going to use Handheld Express to build our KawtSample. We hope that full support for the kAWT widgets will be available soon.
07. Jun. 2000   Color KVM is now available.
02. Jun. 2000   kAWT version 0.61 released. Added some minor bugfixes. kFtp & kCmd updated. License fee for commercail use updated.
22. May. 2000   kAWT version 0.60 released. Repaint behaviour of kAWT completely redesigned. The promised FileEmulation on top of Palm Databases is now available (alpha). kFtp, a kAWT based FTP-Client and kCmd, a kAWT based FileCommander to demonstrate the use of the on a Palm Pilot are available in the File DB section. Many bugs fixed. The package de.trantor.kawt is renamed to de.kawt. New URL New classes ProgressBar, ScrollPane, OptionDialog and FileDialog added.
25. Apr. 2000   Added, wrapper for the for Socketconnections, to Download/Misc. tools and patches.
19. Apr. 2000   Fixed a little problem in the kawt_classes and kawt_vclasses zipfiles. (Rectangle was not included).
11. Apr. 2000   kAWT version 0.30 released. Repainting of components enhanced, fixed a bug with choices in dialogs (reported by Leonard Kierstead). New Class Rectangle added to package java.awt.
07. Apr. 2000   New screenshots of the KawtSample v0.26 are available now. Fixed a little directory bug in the documentation zip-file.
03. Apr. 2000   Changed the name of the pdb-file inside from KVMClassDB.pdb to kawt.pdb. (The KVM Runtime for Palm includes only KVM.prc and KVMutil.prc there is no KVMClassDB.pdb provided by SUN in the CLDC version for PalmOS !)
02. Apr. 2000   kAWT version 0.26 released. kAWT updated for the use with J2ME CLDC Beta1. Bug fixed in reported by Leonard Kierstead.
06. Mar. 2000   kAWT verion 0.25 released. Empty constructor added to CheckBox, add (Component, Object) fixed in Container (requested by Martin Ryzl / forte4Java)
04. Mar. 2000   kAWT version 0.24 released. List.getSelectedItem() - bug fixed.
20. Feb. 2000   kAWT version 0.23 tested with POSE3.0a4 and PalmOS 3.5 ROMS. Results displayed in the 'System Requirements' section.
17. Feb. 2000   kAWT version 0.23 released. New interface ItemSelectable added and implemented in TabbedPane, List and Choice. Minor bug fixes.
15. Dec. 1999   kAWT version 0.22 released. Fixed Chioce bug (Scrollbar overpainted the chioce items), List double repaint-bug fixed, added remove() to List.
06. Dec. 1999   File added to the Download/Misc-Section. The prc-file contains all kAWT-classes to run the sample without patching the KVMClassDB. This file is for users which don't want to patch the PalmClassesPath for only testing the KawtSample.
The KawtSample now runs on all shown configuration on the Requirements-Section.
05. Dec. 1999   kAWT version 0.21 released. Variables x and y in Point are public now. Choice was not scrollable if there were too much entries that could not be shown on the screen is now fixed. Fixed repaintAll() in List.
28. Nov. 1999   kAWT version 0.2 released. getSelectedIndex() in List added. removeLayoutComponent() in Layoutmanagers added. Fixed some minor bugs. Spotletwrapper constants syncronized with original awt to support class-file compatibility.
22. Nov. 1999   kAWT version 0.12 released. Bugfixes in Choice, List and TabbedPane. Added alignment to Label and TextField.
07. Nov. 1999   kAWT version 0.11 released. ItemListener and getSelectedIndex() for TabbedPane added, Choice and List paint problem fixed, Scrollbar fixed (sometimes caused an AritmeticException after resizing).
01. Nov. 1999   kAWT version 0.1 released, inluding bugfixes in Choice and enhancements in Frame and Window to reduce memory usage. A Vector-Patch/Workaround for the arraycopy-bug in the System-class is available, too. Section 'Memory-Usage Comparsion' between KVM-Classes and kAWT-Classes added.
21. Oct. 1999   kAWT updated for use with KVM DR4. (java.util.Vector and java.util.Hashtable is not longer included, because it is now supported by SUN). Documentation is now also available in a ZIP-File.
10. Oct. 1999   List-Widget now available (look at the screenshots).
26. Sep. 1999   Choice-Widget now available (look at the screenshots).
17. Sep. 1999   KawtSample.prc and kawt.pdb are now available as zip-files, because the original files were often corrupted during download.
07. Sep. 1999   BorderLayout bug fixed, TabbedPane now looks much better, WindowEvents and Toolkit added.
04. Sep. 1999 New version of kAWT released. Inluding some fixes an some new widgets.
30. Aug. 1999 Update promised for Monday will be delayed a bit.
26. Aug. 1999 added for kAWT use with POSE.
25. Aug. 1999 Initial Release in early access status.